Disc To Digital conversion is one of the highlights of VUDU – a Walmart digital movie service. And scanning bar codes of your physical movies on an iPhone or iPad was a really super convenient way to add digital copies of your physical DVDs and Blu-rays to your VUDU and Movies Anywhere digital lockers.
But with a recent update, VUDU has removed mobile disc-to-digital scanning from its iOS app. It apparently is still available on Android. They have replaced it with a clunkier, but still functional, in-browser scanning feature. Now, instead of scanning directly with an app using your iPhone camera, you snap pictures of the barcodes one at a time and upload them for VUDU to recognize.
Hopefully this doesn’t mean that VUDU Disc-To-Digital is going away, but it’s made an already clunky system a little clunkier to use. After all, the desktop D2D system is hopelessly broken, especially on Macs.
What do you think of VUDU Disc To Digital? Let me know in comments!